Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Parson Russell Terrier Essential Tips And Information

The story of the name of the Jack Russell Terrier is quite interesting. It seems that there was a Theology student at Oxford out for a walk when he happened to meet a milkman delivering the milk. The milkman had with him a feisty little white terrier with a patch over the eyes and ears, such a terrier as the student had never seen before. He admired the little dog very much and said later that it was the kind of dog one only dreams about. The student's name was Jack Russell and the dog was "Trump", who later became the foundation stud for Jack Russell, who bred more than sixty breedings from this terrier.

Like most of the terriers, the Jack Russell possesses the instinctive desire to go to ground. In earth dogs trials of today the Jack Russell excels as a strong competitor. The National and Regional Jack Russell clubs across the United States hold earth dog trials frequently, events which are well attended by the fanciers. The Jack Russell has also become popular in the conformation ring. He is a great flyball dog, having energy and speed. The Jack Russell is a fine rodent hunter for a household and people who own them find that they have no need for a cat.

Generally this is a terrier with a good disposition towards people but somewhat wary of strangers. Brave and fearless, he will attack whatever he feels is a threat to his family. He is not vicious, but the appearance at the door of a snarling maniac of a little dog, bouncing up repeatedly and appearing in fron women's coats t of you when standing at the doors that have a window in them...and meanwhile barking in an uncontrollable rage...well, this can definitely deter the salesman. Once the stranger is permitted into the home, the Jack Russell will accept him. He is often aggressive towards other dogs and new members of a canine family need to be introduced with care into the home of a Jack Russell.

The coat of the smooth Jack Russell is thick and dense and should have a waterproof or weather resistance to it. The wire-haired Jack Russell is also water resistant, except for being longer. The coat should not soak up the rain when the dog is out in the weather but rather the drops should almost "bead up" on the dog's back. The wire-haired will have a distinctive beard. In both coats, the tail is docked. The ears are fold over, creating a triangular appearance to the skull. The most preferable color is white with patches of tan over the eyes and ears and at the base of the tail.

This is a dog that is small enough to bathe easily in the bathtub and a brisk rubdown will dry him. Baths are often necessary as this is a dog that loves to investigate his surroundings and frequently buries the treasures that he finds, industriously digging up his yard in the process.

The Jack Russell is affectionate with children who are members of his family and with their friends, but somewhat aloof with strangers. Once he gets to know a visitor however, he is their friend for life. He is highly intelligent and learns tricks with ease and loves to show off. He is playful and very energetic. If he is a "city dog", he needs a yard to play in to run off his energy , or should be given daily walks. Farm life is perfect for him and he will prove himself valuable in keeping the farm free from "critters".

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